3dmark time spy
3dmark time spy

3DMarkTimeSpyisaDirectX12benchmarktestforWindows10gamingPCs.TimeSpyisoneofthefirstDirectX12appstobebuilttherightwayfromtheground ...,評分5/10(193)TimeSpy是針對執行Windows10的遊戲電腦的DirectX12基準測試。憑藉其純正的DirectX12引擎,TimeSpy是測試現...

Time Spy Hall of Fame


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3DMark benchmark for Windows, Android and iOS

3DMark Time Spy is a DirectX 12 benchmark test for Windows 10 gaming PCs. Time Spy is one of the first DirectX 12 apps to be built the right way from the ground ...

3DMark Time Spy benchmark

評分 5/10 (193) Time Spy 是針對執行Windows 10 的遊戲電腦的DirectX 12 基準測試。憑藉其純正的DirectX 12 引擎,Time Spy 是測試現代顯卡的理想基準測試。

3DMark Time Spy benchmark on Steam

評分 5/10 (193) Time Spy is a DirectX 12 benchmark test for gaming PCs running Windows 10. With its pure DirectX 12 engine, Time Spy is the ideal test for benchmarking ...

3DMark Time Spy for Free

Time Spy is a DirectX 12 GPU and CPU benchmark test for gaming PCs running Windows 10 and 11. Time Spy Extreme raises the rendering resolution ...

Overview of 3DMark Time Spy benchmark

3DMark Time Spy is a DirectX 12 benchmark test for gaming PCs running Windows 10. Time Spy includes two Graphics tests and a CPU test. With its pure ...


Compare benchmark scores. Search and compare over 25 million benchmark results from 3DMark, PCMark 10, and VRMark. 3DMark Time Spy, 3DMark Time Spy Extreme ...

Time Spy Hall of Fame

The 3DMark.com Overclocking Hall of Fame is the official home of 3DMark world record scores. Time Spy Graphics Score · 1x · 4x · 3x

【閒聊】3D MARK 免費版基本測試【TimeSPY】【FireStrike】

3D MARK 免費版只能玩【TimeSPY】【FireStrike】 測了一下自己的電腦只能說口袋不夠深!!! 未超頻預設測試【TimeSPY】 【TimeSPY】名人堂100車尾分數 ...

免費遊玩3DMark Time Spy Benchmark

解鎖Time Spy Extreme. Time Spy Extreme 為全球首見的4K DirectX 12 效能測試。十分適合用來為最新的高階顯示卡和8 核心以上的新款處理器執行效能測試。

比較: Time Spy

詳細分數 ; 3DMark Score: 3 595 ; Graphics Score: 3 602 ; CPU Score: 3 562 ; Graphics Test 1: 23.71 FPS ; Graphics Test 2: 20.47 FPS.


3DMarkTimeSpyisaDirectX12benchmarktestforWindows10gamingPCs.TimeSpyisoneofthefirstDirectX12appstobebuilttherightwayfromtheground ...,評分5/10(193)TimeSpy是針對執行Windows10的遊戲電腦的DirectX12基準測試。憑藉其純正的DirectX12引擎,TimeSpy是測試現代顯卡的理想基準測試。,評分5/10(193)TimeSpyisaDirectX12benchmarktestforgamingPCsrunningWindows10.WithitspureDirectX12engine,TimeSpyistheidealtestforben...

Novabench 4.0.8 電腦效能跑分評測工具

Novabench 4.0.8 電腦效能跑分評測工具


3DMARK - Android 手機螢幕顯示效能評測工具

3DMARK - Android 手機螢幕顯示效能評測工具
